An Accomplished business owner , builder of people, social change and inclusion campaigner , digital technology enthusiast, who believes skills and knowledge development as a vital tool of development for individuals in reshaping our communities. I have been involved in various human and community development projects, focused on helping individuals gain and upscale their knowledge and become employable and socially relevant. With over 17years experience, I have nurtured and mentored several individuals, impacting them with needed skills-set and knowledge needed to chart a career pathway of value. My industry experience is widely spread, from the corporate sector of Banking to telecom, security to healthcare..
As a business owner, his skills and knowledge impactation in the art of males grooming and service delivery is legendary, as many individuals have become entrepreneurs and successful craft masters in male grooming through this. In the last 2years, I have passionately embraced smart technology and the ethical use of it.
My background experience sales, account and business management gained from working with top UK blue-chip organisations, I am set to light up the BAME communities with smart technology and innovations. Furthermore, I am involved in a lot of charity work across different ecosystem and communities , with the singular goal of adding his bit in ensuring the world remains a better place and bright future for the next generation. I believes in working the talk. At the moment , I am working on some smart technology projects , whilst lauching various startups in the UK to support inclusion, diversity, skill development and community support in the BAME communities. I am a He4She advocate, a supporter of women inclusion in leadership and development.
I head TWAA UK, a women empowerment and mentorship platform that building a community of affirmed and aware women. Smart technology health sector is an area I have personal connection with, hence my passion driven involvement in driving Afya Rekod in the UK , a digital health platform focused on better healthcare systems and patient management.
I am the Director Adanian Labs UK (AKA Adalab Technology Ltd) , Ada Animation UK , Ecobba UK.etc