Note :- Prices may vary for each show. This is an indicative price. Please visit the location specific show pages for exact prices.
( exVAT )
Bronze Stand
- Stand 1m x 2m
( exVAT )
Bronze Stand
- Stand 1m x 2m
( exVAT )
Bronze Stand
- Stand 1m x 2m
Single Plus Stands
( exVAT )
Bronze Plus Stand
- Stand 1m x 2m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 1 Year Bronze Membership Pack
( exVAT )
Silver Plus Stand
- Stand 2m x 2m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 1 Year Silver Membership Pack
( exVAT )
Gold Plus Stand
- Stand 3m x 2m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 1 Year Gold Membership Pack
Double Stands
( exVAT )
Bronze Double Stand
- Stand 1m x 4m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 2 Year Bronze Membership Pack
( exVAT )
Silver Double Stand
- Stand 2m x 4m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 2 Year Silver Membership Pack
( exVAT )
Gold Double Stand
- Stand 2m x 6m
- Exhibitor Exclusive Perks
- 2 Year Gold Membership Pack
Did not find the stand size of your choice?
Exhibitor's Perk
Exhibitor's Exclusive Perk
By exhibiting at the B2B Growth Expo, you will gain access to a wide range of benefits and exclusive perks. As an exhibitor, you will receive:
Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks
Breakfast, Lunch, and Evening Hi-Tea with Cake
Digital Age Expo stand
Complimentary Stand on Digital Age Expo worth £300
B2B Growth Hub Membership
B2B Growth Hub Bronze or Silver Membership worth up to £1500
Magazine Advert in Show Guide
Business Card-sized Magazine advert in Show guide worth £400
Listing in Magazine
Business name Listing in our printed and digital Magazine worth £200
Website Listing
Website Listing
Social Media Promotion
Social Media Promotion until the end of the show
Live Studio Interview
45-minute Live Studio interview on Radio for your business worth £500
Discounted Leaflet Insert
Discounted Leaflet Insert in Visitor Bags
10 Visitor Tickets
10 Visitor Tickets for your customers and business associates worth £150